Mini Meadows Golf Brand Design.

If you don’t like the challenge of golf AND a branding job, we can’t talk!

Mini Meadows Brand Design

Brand concept

 I’ve had the pleasure having Meadowcroft Garden Centre as a client for a while now, and after all the jobs, branding for various flowers, branding for a German Market and plenty of other bits, this was by far the most challenging and fun.

Name creation

Coming up initially with the brand name, once it was decided upon, the concept of taking the can from the original logo and turning it into a cartoon version was deemed the perfect route to take, and the brand was born! A few sketches and variations later, we had our identity and it proudly sits within the newly launched mini golf area!


  • Illustrator 100% 100%
  • Sketching 100% 100%

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The latest Instagram offerings...So basically a lot of coffee pics and the odd song. Not odd odd. 

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